Whiplash Can Be Life-Changing
If you are a victim to this life-changing injury, you deserve proper compensation for the damages you have suffered. Our auto accident attorneys in .Office and Temple, TX, can walk you through every step of the process and help you get the compensation you seek. The first task is to determine which type or level of whiplash you are dealing with.
- Mild to moderate. 80-85% of whiplash victims recover within weeks or months with the help of physical therapy, chiropractic care, or medication.
- Moderate to severe. 15-20% experience chronic pain that requires aggressive therapy, injections, and possibly even surgery.
Once our experienced vehicle accident lawyers determine the level and type, we can take the appropriate steps toward getting you the compensation you deserve.
Let our auto accident attorneys take care of your whiplash related legal matters. Call our office to set up a free initial consultation.
Contact Us For A Free Consultation
If you are suffering from whiplash due to a car or truck accident, contact a whiplash lawyer at our Temple or .Office, Texas, law offices or fill out our personal injury intake form.