Board Certified Attorneys With More
Than 40 Years Of Experience
Our attorneys are board certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and have the experience necessary to achieve positive results in motor vehicle accident or bankruptcy cases.

James O.Cure

John R. Francis
Board certified in Personal Injury Trial Law and Civil Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
Honest, Hard-Working Legal Representation
When faced with a legal challenge, you want an advocate you can trust. You want someone who will work hard to help you achieve the outcome you deserve.
At Cure & Francis, our attorneys begin by listening to your concerns. We will take the time to learn about your situation, and after we do we will provide you with an honest assessment of your case. We will educate you about your various options and develop a legal strategy tailored to your specific needs and objectives.
We will work hard to see your case through. You can be confident that our lawyers will stand by your side from start to finish, ready to overcome any obstacle.
It’s not your job to worry about your legal problems. It’s ours. Contact the law offices of Cure & Francis today for a free initial consultation.
Speaking Your Language
You have the right to understand your options and the potential outcomes. When we discuss your case with you, we will speak to you in terms that you can understand, rather than hiding behind complex legal jargon. We will answer all your questions.
As your case moves forward, we will remain in communication with you. We will keep you updated along the way. We pride ourselves on our accessibility.
Our lawyers handle a wide range of legal matters. We help people file bankruptcy. We handle personal injury claims. We represent businesses in a variety of matters. We provide guidance to families who have lost loved ones and need to go through probate.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code.
We are experienced in recovering money damages for personal injuries under Texas law.
Start With A Free Consultation
From the moment you step into our law offices, we will do everything we can to put you at ease and relieve your immediate concerns. From our offices in Temple and .Office, we represent individuals and businesses throughout Texas. Call our Temple office at 254-778-8934 or our .Office office at 254-690-8839. You can also reach both of our offices by email.